Here in Southern California, we’re blessed with gorgeous weather year round. So, when’s the best time for an outdoor wedding?

Any time of year can provide a beautiful backdrop for your wedding ceremony or engagement photo shoot, but each time of year also poses challenges. When considering when to get married in a climate like Ojai’s, think about heat, dryness, fire danger, the natural foliage, and the chance of rain. Getting married during the rainy seasons means a chance of fog or damp, but you will be more likely to have green dotting the ceremony space and backdrop. Getting married in the dryer months means equally lovely brown, sand, and terracotta colors in the landscape. Each season has its own stunning beauty, so consider the following when planning your wedding.

Wedding Seasons in Ojai

Spring – March, April, May
The best time to see poppies, both California and Matilija poppies, orange trees blossom fragrantly, and there’s often a chance of rain. Usually, the hills are still relatively green if we’ve had normal winter rainfall levels. You can expect cool mornings and sometimes cloud cover. The Ojai Valley is bursting with blooms and life. This is a beautiful time of year before the summer heat kicks in, making it comfortable for guests of all ages and abilities.

Summer – June, July, August
While summer mornings can be cool and cloudy along the coast, in Ojai, we experience long, hot, dry days. It can cool off in the evening, and August brings an annual meteor shower. Early morning or late evening events might be best to avoid the heat of the day. And don’t forget how beautiful the long warm nights are for stargazing and full moons! Check a moon calendar to see how bright the night sky will be on your special day. Full moons are always a special time to take advantage of the unique East-West orientation of Ojai Valley.

Fall – September, October, November
Unfortunately, fires can impact us in almost any season, but chances are greater in the dry months of August through October. The chaparral and local, native foliage is always rustically beautiful at this time of year. November occasionally brings early rains, and brings shorter, cooler days and nights. This is peak wedding season as the summer heat has passed and sunsets are golden and magical.

Winter – December, January, February
The cool, crisp, clear winter months can be best for experiencing the elusive Pink Moment. This event is worth bringing a coat along for the cooler evenings. It doesn’t take much rain to cover the hillsides in new green growth. Occasionally we get heavy rains, but those are few and far between. 360-degree views from our unique mountaintop labyrinth are best experienced during the super clear winter days when you can practically see all the way to the ocean.

Whenever you choose to get married, you can be sure that the natural, rustic beauty of the Ojai Valley will complement your ceremony. For a personalized perspective, contact us at to discuss your unique situation. And check out our summer/fall styled shoot for more inspiration and photos!


Photos by @plantshop805 and @ojailabyrinth





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